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Nationalists call for abolition of Durand Line

PESHAWAR, March 30: Speakers at a political gathering on Wednesday said that abolition of the Durand Line would promote unity and bring about prosperity to the Pukhtuns living across the 112-year old frontier line drawn by force and dividing a nation into many parts. The gathering was organized by the Pukhtunkhwa Qaumi Party here at the Peshawar Press Club to mark the launching of a book on the Durand Line.

The book is a collection of assorted articles read out by politicians and intellectuals at a seminar on the Durand Line last year. Generally, there was a consensus among the speakers that the forcibly drawn boundary, which had divided a nation, should be abolished in the interest of the Pukhtun people.

PQP chief Lala Afzal Khan, Awami National Party former provincial chief Begum Nasim Wali Khan, veteran politician and poet Ajmal Khattak, National Awami Party Pakistan secretary-general Abdul Latif Afridi, Dr Said Alam Mehsud of the Pukhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party, Mufti Kifayatullah of the Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal and others spoke on the occasion.

The nationalist leaders were of the view that the Duran Line should be abolished as it was against the interests of the Pukhtuns. They said a people divided into so many parts, like Pukhtuns, could not be called a nation. They underlined the need for bringing all the Pukhtuns, wherever they live, under one banner and one geographical unit.

Begum Nasim Wali Khan said it was an artificial line, drawn by the then English rulers of the subcontinent, to extend their divide-and-rule policy down to the Afghans territory. But, she recalled, the Pukhtuns had resisted it and refused to accept the English rule in their area.

Salim Raz asked the Pukhtun politicians to chalk out a strategy how they would end the Durand Line and where they would demarcate it — at Margala or at Jehlum. He said the Pakistan People’s Party was also opposed to the Durand Line.

Mr Afridi said the Durand Line had divided houses, families and tribes of the Pukhtuns living across both parts of the dividing line. He said it was inhuman and immoral to deprive a nation of its basic rights. Pukhtuns, he added, had never accepted this colonial decision and waged a number of battles against it.

Mufti Kifayatullah, a spokesman for the ruling MMA, opposed the demand made by the nationalist parties and urged them to get the Pukhtuns of the NWFP, Fata and Balochistan united in a single unit first and then aspire for the unity of others. He pointed out that all those MNAs, MPAs and senators, who had been administered oath under the1973 Constitution, could not oppose the existence of the Durand Line.

He said abolishing the Durand Line was tantamount to the break-up of the country, which was separated from Afghanistan by a boundary in the west, called the Durand Line. Bashir Ahmed Bilour of the ANP, however, rejected the views of Mufti Kifayatullah and dubbed these as anti-Pukhtun feelings.

Lala Afzal, host of the event, said the Durand Line was a great obstacle in the unity of the Pukhtun nation. This line, he added, was a scar on the face of Pukhtuns and should be abolished in the interest of the nation.












Afzal Khan Lala








  تاريخ پشتونستان

باچا خان



tralist forces, including Bugti, who leads his Jamhoori Watan Party deny any link with the militants.
Security officials said that Marris’ another powerful tribe in Baluchistan had set up militant training camps in the remote parts of the province, posing a serious challenge to the government.
Many Baluch tribesmen, who are heavily armed, see development projects including a deep seaport being built in the Gawadar coastal town with Chinese help, as a threat to their way of life.
The unrest has been a blow to Pakistan’s efforts to attract foreign investment into oil and gas exploration and has also called into question its security guarantees for a proposed gas pipeline from Iran to India that would run through Baluchistan.
The government, which says the development projects will bring jobs and prosperity to the locals, wants to solve the Baluchistan problem through talks. But Bugti said there could be no negotiations under threat of violence. “There is a sword hanging on our head, they have to remove it first for any talks,” he said. “They have to pull out the army from our area.
Meanwhile Dera Bugti may soon become the stage for conflict between military forces and tribesmen, it has been warned as thousands of armed Bugtis have reached the area from different parts of Balochistan and Sindh in the wake of heavy deployment of troops in Sui.
Pakistan Oppressed Nation Movement (PONM) central leader and Chairman Pukhtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PMAP) Mahmood Khan Achakzai has called complete shutter down strike on February 12 to protest against the ongoing military operation in Sui and condemned set up of military cantonments in Balochistan.
Addressing a mammoth gathering here on Monday, Achakzai asked the rulers to shun the policy of what he called grabbing resources of poor and oppressed nations otherwise the people of Balochistan would employ every mode to wrest back their snatched resources.
“We are outrighthly opposed to the military operation in Sui, he said.
Achakzai said that only Balochs had the right on the natural resources of the province, saying that situation will only deteriorate if government did not changed its stance.
He regretted that despite big majority in Pakistan, Pakhtoon nation was deliberately ignored it has no identity in the country.
He noted that Pashtoon nation was pushed into obscurity and Punjab province had been exploiting their resources mercilessly.
He asserted that he wants separate province for Pashtoon where they could utilize their own resources and promote their own culture and traditions. He said government was denying rights to oppressed nations including Pashtoon, Baloch and Seraiki.—INP/Online




Seminar of the Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement
Islamabad 16 August 2004


The situation in Balochistan might lead to disintegration of the country, declared former chief minister of Balochistan and Chairman of Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement (PONM) Sardar Attaullah Khan Mengal here on Monday.

He said the military-led government and not the nationalists would be responsible for any damage to the integrity of the country. Mengal was addressing a seminar organised by the PONM on constitutional, political, economic and cultural exploitation of oppressed nations in the perspective of facts and figures and its solution in the light of international principles.

He asked the powers that be to hang him for his resistance against what he claimed another military operation in his province. "I will love to die for my own people, my own land and my province," he said.

Mengal refused to "condemn" those who were attacking military men in Balochistan and appealed to all the Sindhi, Baloch, Seraiki and Pakhtoon nationalists to "retaliate against the army with stones if they were not in a position to take up guns".

Mengal said he had developed bitter feelings against the Punjabis because they, according to him, were helping the military to crush the oppressed nations. He said he was being asked to declare the Baloch warriors busy attacking troops in Balochistan as "terrorists".

He said only Mullahs had "terrorists" in their ranks and the people fighting in Balochistan were only using their right to defense and could not be termed terrorists. He alleged: "You people are sending military to kill the Baloch and you expect from me to appreciate it. How is it possible?" he asked.

"I am an honourable man and will never condemn the retaliation by the Baloch people," he said. Mengal said if he could not fight against the armed forces with his own hands because of his old age, it did not mean that he would condemn those who were showing defiance and offering their lives for the Baloch rights.

"If anyone has any objection against my thinking of resistance against the army and invaders, he is welcome to arrest me and hang me. I don’t want to die of heart attack or cancer," Mengal said.

He assailed those who accused nationalists of violating the Constitution. He said such forces had damaged the Constitution to such an extent that now it was beyond correction and the country needed a new Constitution based on principle of equality.

He said the nationalists were only demanding democracy and their right to govern themselves. He said Pakhtoons were their brothers and could join them (Baloch nationalists). But, he said, what would the Punjabis do who had nothing to sell to the outside world and had only “Data Darbar”.

He said Balochistan was being developed now because it suited the Punjabis and the military, as they want to make it a colony of the army and federation. About Prime Minister Shujaat Hussain’s offer to hold a dialogue with nationalist forces in Balochistan, he said the PM was a helpless man. He said he would ask the general to hand over power to the people otherwise he would be responsible for the break up of the country.

Pakhtoonkhwa Mili Awami Party’s leader and PONM deputy chair Mahmood Khan Achakzai said time had come to decide that who would rule the country, either 140 million people or only one million army. He said the nationalists were the most peaceful people as they were struggling for their right to govern themselves.

He said the nationalists did not want to break the country as this was their own motherland and they were the sons of the soils. He said the nationalist forces had come to the conclusion that they would not accept the rule of only one powerful ethnic group that was supporting the military establishment to keep others subjugated.

He said even Quaid-iAzam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was used by the bureaucracy to do an illegal act when he dismissed the NWFP constitutional assembly. He also accused the agencies of pushing the country to the brink of disaster.

SNP president and PONM’s secretary information and coordination Mr. Abdul Majeed Kanjoo said time had come to court martial all those who had been violating the constitution. He said the Seraiki people had been facing the worst kind of injustice and exploitation but now they would not tolerate such treatment.

He said the Punjabis had never showed any resistance to the invaders in the history. He alleged the generals got the lands allotted in the Seraiki region and now they were eying the wealth of Balochistan. He claimed both the Constitution and the army had become controversial. At the end of the seminar, a resolution condemning the "military operation" in Balochistan was passed.

Nationalist leaders Dr Qadir Magsi, Jalal Mehmood Shah, Ubaidullah Bhutto, Amir Bhutto, Hameed Asghar Shaheen, Abdul Rahim Khan Mandokhel, Mir Afzal Khan and others addressed the gathering of nationalists.

Campo Antiimperialista

  رجال سياسی پشتونستان

امان اله شاهرئيس جمهور محمد داود


احزاب سياسي


An Interview with Afzal Khan Lala For Audio Interview click here...

 Q: After passing 56 years of Pakistan why do you feel the need of Durand Line Conference?
A: Due to the present political and geographical situation of the region on both sides of Pakistan and Afghanistan, it is the right time for both countries to negotiate and find out proper solution to this 'temporary line', as the government of Pakistan at this time also takes this issue seriously and before our Durand Line Conference, the government's Defense Department had also hold serious conferences on the issue of Durand Line.

Q: What is the historical background of the Durand Line?
A: The Britishers were aware of the Pathan's resistance and courage and was difficult for them to control this area in order to defend and maintain their colonial power. They planned to break down the power of Pakhtoons and thus divided them under their "three-fold Frontier policy" into different geographical units, so the British drew three lines to break the power of Pakhtoons. The first line was the "settled areas" in which the British enforced their own law, policy and system of education". Another line was drawn in the name of "Durand Line". The area under that line was further divided into agencies, states and "Illaqa Ghair" (Aliens land) , but this term was applied to the area which was condoned by the government as free. There, the British maintained its existence through the political department, and avoided interference, ostensibly, in those areas other than construction of roads and cantonments.

 They did not enforce their own law in those areas. This is the central part of the Pakhtoon-land and considered the spiral column. Thus through this way a Pakhtoons land was divided into different parts in order to shatter the national unity of Pakhtoons and he added that unfortunately that division still stands even 56 years after the creation of Pakistan.Another line that was drawn along the Oxus river, the area between that line and the Durand Line was called Afghanistan and there the British did not establish any type of political department nor they exercise direct interference. Instead, it was handed over to the Amir of Kabul to rule. But, these Amirs were subjugated in case of the foreign relations of Afghanistan. The Afghan delegation for the demarcation of the boundary line along the Oxus river between Afghanistan and Tsar of Russia was led by a British, named Simen. And it left no doubt about that line that it was, in fact, that boundary between British Empire and the Russian Empire, so in this way the geographical unity of Afghans was divided. It was, in fact, not the boundary line but the borders of visible and invisible states of the British.

Q: What was the policy of the British government for drawing the Durand Line among the Afghans?
A: There was no ban on movements of people living across the Durand Line. After existence of Pakistan, the movements also remained free and therefore, unfortunately the Afghans did not feel the unity of Pakhtoons in this region, which has become a great challenge for Pakhtoons to unite as a nation.

Q: What was the reason of silence over the Durand Line of Afghanistan government at that time?
A: The Amir of Afghanistan, though considered the king by its subject, was aware of the fact that he had been installed on the throne by the British and the British had restricted Afghanistan in foreign affairs to such extent that the Amir who deviated from the policy of British had to loose the prone and it happened to every Amir from Dost Mohammad Khan to Amanullah Khan.

 Q: Why did the Pukhtoon leaders not oppose the Russian and American invasion and attacks on Pakhtoons.?
A: In this regard, the pakhtoon leaders had played an active role at every political and supportive aspects. During the American attacks on Afghanistan, I personally called all parties meeting in which they warned the America about the killing of innocent Afghans people. Taliban were not the representatives of Pakhtoons and they did not considered themselves as Pakhtoons that is why we did not support Taliban Government in Afghanistan.

Q: Why are the Pakhtoons still divided into parts in the country and what has been the role of Pakhtoons leaders to unite them as a nation??
A:On the surface of earth, many nations are still divided. They have been struggling for centuries for their reunifications to regain their honor and places among other nations of the world. But those small nations still writhe in shackles of the time. The Pakhtun nations is one of them, which had been divided more than 105 years ago. More than 50 years of the freedom of Pakistan have also lapsed, but Pukhtuns still live in three separate divisions i.e Frontier, Tribal Areas and Balochistan, yet they are nameless. He informed that the history bears testimony to the fact that if those natural units, which have been divided by force, are not reunited in peaceful ways. The great Pakhtuns leaders were trying from the very time of division for reunification of Pakhtuns. And now in the present political and geographical changes in situations of the Pakhtuns region, the reunification has become order of the time. And the present circumstances are enforcing now the Afghans in and across the Durand Line to reunite for their identity and existence.

 Q: Why the 'ups and down' on Pakhtuns in and across the country could not reunite them?
A:It is a matter of concern that instead of taking effective steps towards restoration of the national unity of Pukhtuns, after the creation of Pakistan, the line drawn by the British between the two Islamic countries was considered as the boundary. He said the founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam had said in clear words in a radio address to the people of Australia on February 19, 1948; "We Muslim must stand united as one nation." You know the old saying that in unity lies in strength. United we stand, divided we fall, the great nationalist leader said that after the assertion of Quaid-e-Azam, the Durand Line cannot remain a boundary because people on the upper as well as lower sides are not only Muslims, but are descendants of one father and adherent to one culture and one language also and in this way the rulers of Pakistan were obliged to initiate efforts for a sort of alliance and reunification with Afghanistan.

Q: Is the Pak-Afghan policy going in the right direction. If not then why?
A - Pakistan always interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan, that is why now the situation was becoming difficult for them even on the borders aw well as in the Afghanistan. About the government policy towards Afghanistan I would like to say that first there is no policy of the government with Afghanistan and if up to some extend exists would not in favor of the Pakhtuns living in and across the borders. If the government prepares policy according to wills of Pakhtuns with Afghanistan now the situation would have been different.

 Q: Why did you quit from ANP, despite having being remained as central president and also at other important positions in the party?
A: ANP gave me a lot of honor and I did my job there honestly, but on the issue of reunification of the Pukhtuns nation some leaders of the party did not agree with my opinion, for which I had served my whole life. That is why I left ANP and founded another own party Pakhtunkhwa Qaumi Party for the rights and reunification of Pakhtuns as a nation.

Q: Why the Pukhtuns are still oppressed and not achieving their identity as a Nation?
A: Unfortunately, in the Pakhtuns society, two parties remain dominant, which were not devoted to their society. The one party is Mullas (religious party) and the other is politicians, because even they don't ready to accept their language as a national language in the nations, which was a first priority for a nation.

Q: What is your opinion about the ongoing operation in the Tribal Area in the name of 'Al-Qaeda Operation'?
A: The pathans have their own traditional values and they are considered as honest and are famous for their hospitality but the label of terrorism and al-Qaeda over them would emerge various problems for the government.
